Small introduction on reasons, effects and treatment for bleeding after the period

Menstrual cycle

When a girl becomes an adult, that is the period when the girl is capable to give birth of a baby, then due to some hormonal changes in her internal body, a monthly bleeding system occurs to her. This monthly Bleeding After Period system is known as the menstrual cycle. This cycle returns after every 21-35 days. Endometrial was being shed at this process, hence the bleeding occurs, and this excessive menstrual bleeding after a period is not a good thing.

In doctor’s concern, the normal period of each menstrual cycle is four to five days, in very rare cases it extends to seven or eight days also. But after the period of menstruation, if the bleeding continues, then it will not be a good sign for the woman. For this irregularity in the cycle, she should go for a doctor check up immediately.

Reasons behind bleeding between periods

There are several reasons behind the abnormal occurrence of bleeding after a period like:

• Inconstancy of hormone (oestrogen and progesterone) levels in her body
• After delivery or after miscarriage, and mainly due to abortions.
• Sometime it occurs due to infection in vagina or dryness of the vagina.
• Abnormal usage of contraceptive pills.

After effects

Various problems can happen due to this bizarre bleeding, like infection in womb, vulva or vagina. The most dangerous effect that this aberrant bleeding between the periods of the cycle can occur is cervical cancer.

Treatments needed

The first thing the doctor suggested to those women is complete bed rest during the bleeding period after the completion of menstrual cycle. The bleeding occurs due to the shed of endometrial. If the women do heavy works during this Bleeding After Period, there will be excess shed of endometrium, and hence more bleeding.

Unfortunately, 22% of all menstruating women face the problem of heavy flow of blood. This excessive bleeding after period cause’s heavy stomach pain, thus many women go for hysterectonomies. Hysterectonomy is a surgical operation to remove women’s womb. So, after these operations there will no further happening of menstrual cycle, hence there will be no further pain. But, unfortunately, due to removal of the womb, that woman will not able to become mother further.

Many doctors consulted for the progesterone hormone-replacement therapy. This hormone-replacement therapy may also cause some problems in a future like acne, depression, breast discomfort or breast cancer, eyesight problem, etc.

Thermachoice uterine balloon therapy

The thermachoice uterine balloon therapy says the procedure of stopping the excessive Bleeding After Period the menstrual cycle. Here, a heat is applied to the endotrium (a lining present over the uterus). This heat destroys that lining, not the whole uterus like in hysterectonomy. In this case, the menstrual cycle will occur like earlier gap, but there will normal flow of blood, instead of heavy flows. In very rare cases, some women experienced no bleeding at all.

Doctors said that about 85% of those women respond to this treatment very correctly, and the other 15% needs to go for some other treatments after this therapy. Still, a danger of giving birth of a baby remains in this therapy also, as the uterine lining will totally be removed.

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