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Blood Spotting Causes – Q5 Is Brownish Discharge After Period Normal

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blood spotting causes You’ll know why nothing ever seems, So in case you have a baby. I am 16, I was on the depo shot for 2 months now, my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex and he came inside of me. The actual question is. Could you please tell me what I’m going through and if it’s bad or good? It’s pretty heavy and I’m scared of what it’s, I’m not sure. By the way I started bleeding dark brown or it’s dark brown discharge, after that. Certainly, dilation can also cause you to pass brownish cervical mucus.

blood spotting causes In the course of the third trimester of a pregnancy, quite a few women have dark brown mucus or discharge. Besides, a placenta that is lying low in the uterus or a placenta that separates from the uterus may cause you to pass dark brown, gooey mucus. Dark brown mucus discharge can occur for a lot of reasons. It isn’t due for another 10 days. With all that said… I had my period may 31 my cycles are clock work for the past 2 days I have had brownish to redish spotting mild cramping no pad necessary. Now regarding the aforementioned fact… HPV followed by CIN3 now I have a polyp tho I dont think is could possibly cause these symptoms and am wondering could a cyst are missed when the doctor examined my tummy?

blood spotting causes Sometimes I get an urge to push when I urinate but ut ruled out and doctor felt my tummy breifly saying its ok.

Atm I am extremely nauseous even if the pain has subsided from earlier this evening.

I have for 14 years only had 1 partner. I’m having left side abdominal pain for about 6months. It now comes and goes and comes with nausea and recently lower back ache. Can u guide me please. My periods are coming heavy but when I dont have my period I have a thick heavy brownish discharge. Actually, it stayed for 2 months continuous pain. Some info can be found easily on the web. I no something ain’t right. It’s a well I feel more nauseous! Hello I am 31 with 2 children. Usually, I am afraid il be sent away without answer’s again! My breasts feel sore and on p of that I press them where abit of water came out.

Hi I’m planning to have my first baby and I had discharged dark brownish from Saturday so its 4days I have got it could I be pregnant………….feeling tired now and mood swings sometimes at night I feel to throw up but nothing comes out.

Get to the dr and get checked.

Off…the depo shot does not protect against STDs!! I’d say if you are scared hereafter you need to go to the doctor. Having unprotected sex isn’t a very good risk to be taking. On p of this, protect your body being that you can only get one in this lifetime. What does this mean? After having sex. Then, nov 4 all clear and Still got no period. As long as hormones are responsible for the onset of menstruation -and ovulation -it’s no surprise that many women experience spotting or brownish colored discharge when they’re on birth control.

Birth control alters hormone levels in your body. It can be. My almost white discharge always stank bad aswel, I am getting almost white discharge for nearly 9 months now, and this morning I woke up and I noticed that the white discharge is a dark brownish colour and it stinks bad, when I first saw it this morning I thought it was my period, but it’s defiantly not a period, what’s it, I am 14 and I have never got my period yet. I am 28yr planning for 2nd child. So, before 8months I cenceved but after 2 month brownish discharge started n it leads to miscarriage. After this mis my period are ‘4 5days’ late always this month I again conceived but after 12 days again brownish discharge with mucous started which last for 2 days plz tell me why that’s hapnig to me? Lots of info can be found online. I been on birth control since 2014 the year my son was born I have the one that goes in your arm haven’t had my period really I was ld that I wasn’t preparing to have the period am noticing brownish spotting that normal?

Dark brownish vaginal discharge or spotting can be a sign of pregnancy.

Some bleeding might occur, when a fertilized egg implants itself into the uterine wall.

Women may have light brown spotting or dark vaginal discharge, when this happens. So it’s nothing more than old endometrial tissue being passed, it can be alarming to see dark dark brown or even grey blood. Light brown blood during period is also perfectly normal. I am confused. It is my medications were finish a week ago or so but I feel lower stomach ache and now I see brownish discharge. I got vaginal pills for 3 nights, another to pill which was to be taken 7 hours apart and another to be taken after lunch. Anyway, I got meeications which they say will cure this disease. Some info can be found easily online. I was diagnosed with chlamydia a few days ago when I went to see a doctor. See your doctor stright away to you need to don’t have an infection or a sexually transmitted disease, So if the test is negative.

Take a pregnancy test, if the discharge continues and your period does not start.

I have never missed a period like ever during my existence.

Therefore this month all I got was 4 days of loads of brownish discharge exactly identical time my periods are suppose to be due. Its a negative. On p of that, has anyone had this issue? My period cycle has always been 28 days or just one day late. I was cramping but I wasn’t sure if that’s a consequences to my duromine tablets. I did a pregnancy test. I called the doctor he said its not the tablets duromine shouldn’t cause me to miss my period. I’m freaking out. Now let me tell you something. With that said, this for me is really abnormal. Brownish discharge for 4 days straight exactly when your periods are suppose to be due?and I never got my period. Please anyone? Of course, hi everyone, I’m 20 years old I just started taking Duromine which is a weight reduction prescription like a week and a half ago. Known for the most part.

Did you know that the blood or discharge looks brownish being that the blood has aged, as mentioned previously.

Old blood is brownish.

Brownish menstrual blood or discharge is very common after a period. It’s just the body passing old tissue that may are left in the uterus for a few days. Old blood is light brown, whereas light red or pink blood is fresh. Why are you seeing brownish discharge first off? Dark vaginal discharge occurs when little bit of reason why the blood is brownish is I’d say if it’s occurring right after your period. If you’re expecting your period, all you’re passing is dark discharge, you and had water pink blood first late day, 2nd day it turned dark red but it did not fill up my pad, third day it was dark red still so stopped before the evening.

Neausea, back pain and nipple pain and tenderness.

I just missed my second period. First period I missed I just had spot for two days. Could I be pregnant? That is interesting. Now its brownish, my discharge was a lot at first. I ok 3 tests and all said negative. Its new to me, I have a regular period every month. After I misscaried last jan.I ok depo provera since I wasnt menstruating with this.I change my birth control to birth pills.I almost finished the 2nd table of pills.im on placebo now.but I just notice this thing when I started the light brown pills.I passed brownish dischage last wed.now its sat I also passed brownish discharge.do u think I will have my mens soon?im worried.I just wanna get my period so I can change to iud.please help.

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