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Causes Of Heavy Periods: Loestrin May Not Be Top Option

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causes of heavy periods TRICARE is a regionally managed health care program for Active Duty, Activated Guard and Reserves, Retired members of uniformed services, their families, and survivors. That said, this sounds like my story after 3 doctors telling years and begging for them to do more I finally switched to a brand new GYN.

Now that leaves me with this struggle of what to do as long as I would like to conceive however I’ve read it may cause complications.

Doing best in order to make people remember the pain and tiredness is frustrating. Low and behold she orders an ultrasound and I have multiple fibroids but biggest one is more after that, half size of my uterus. I have severe endo and have had since I won’t take hormones to put me through a chemical menopause, or bc pills. Do you know an answer to a following question. Have docs not investigated possibility of adenomyosis??

causes of heavy periods Sounds very much like adeno to me!

I ok bc pills for years and had awful aftereffects so will never uch them again.

Tally understand what you mean about lack of sympathy when you refuse their almighty hormones! Woman with all her parts produces ovarian hormones into her 80′ These hormones are essential to good health and ‘wellbeing’. Basically the uterus and its four ligaments sets are essential to pelvic integrity. Now look. I’m not taking them, I actually throw bag with magic pills on counter and exasperated say, they gave me IV fluid and hormones. I go homeward to my very concerned boyfriend. Anyways, naturally, so this causes a fight that I don’t have energy to deal with…again. Keep reading. And since doctors wouldn’t do toresearch, I did some for them, as for possible causes. However, taking birth control pill shan’t intending to treat’, these symptoms we’re having could also be a sign of.

causes of heavy periods Therefore this article talks a bit more about iron levels.

I’ll be giving my doctor this next week as a to test list, that I ok from their database depending on my symptoms.

Now, a blood transfusion is likely not necessary. Do know that I was never tested for any of those and their database recommends them on the basis of my current symptoms, To be honest I don’t know anything about medicine. I know that antibiotics work, and I know that throwing progesterone at women for this particular ‘problem Doesn” Ever. Have you heard of something like this before? Work. Essentially, it was like she didn’t even hear what my problem was. Similar thing happened to me when I came off of depo. Never went back to her again. I was astounded. It was fairly light but nonstop and my gyno just shrugged it off and ld me that Women only lose about two blood tablespoons during menstruation. Just think for a moment. My periods were super light and after that, about four or five months later, By the way I got my period and it lasted about 3 months. I was bleeding for 3 months straight and it went in one ear and out toother. It’s caused dark circles under my eyes, low iron count for sure, migraines that make me throw up, low iron, low calcium, burst blood vessels all over toplace…Oh, and my boobs got bigger.

causes of heavy periods I look like Barbie panda edition.

I lose so many pints of blood nearly any day when it happens, that I’m pretty much bedridden.

I get one period a year that lasts for up to 6 months. You truly need a progesterone in 300 mg at night … It will do a trick and heal, check Cmor centre dr. Jerylin Prior… Extremly smart woman doctor who is pioneer in females hormonal problems … Progesterone was given in early 50 ties by english female doctor also… It balances estrogen and normalized your cyckles girls!!!!! Also, removal of things won’t be allowed and she’s a Jehovah’s Witness and they don’t believe in blood transfusions for fucks sake, she wants to have kids I believe. Notice, what really is it supposed to do exactly?

causes of heavy periods I just seek for to know if she will die from her own period?

We have my question on this crappy thing.

Is birth control better answer? Will birth control work to regulate her period? Now pay attention please. Ladies I should like a normal period that is all!!! I absolutely hate my period I wish it was normal! Although, firboids suck! I wish I could enjoy my two year old nephew adventures as he visits circus and attend birthday parties! Irregular periods suck! I wish I didn’t have to pass so many blood clots, I wish I didn’t have to constantly wake up and change pads and not getting enough sleep! That said, I’m always in house waiting on a blood clot to pass so I can change my pad! Eventually, dON’T delay.


You need tantric acid or a very large dose of depo to stop it now!!!

Get pelvic MRI not ultrasound to check for fibroids and akin mechanical reasons for heavy bleeding. Get ground flaxseed meal and take two tablespoons a day, any single day. Certainly, So it’s easier to use already ground, just keep it in torefrigerator. Fact, it has shortened my periods and lengthened my cycle. Sounds familiardoesn’t it? I hope you will have as much success with it as I’ve had. It’s a well mix it in some almond milk or a smoothie.

Do not get flaxseed oil, as it does not have lignans you must regulate your period.

You can get flaxseed whole and grind it in a coffee grinder, or you can buy it already ground.

Besides, a really good brand is Spectrum. Flaxseed meal is a tremendous you shouldreally take flaxseed meal any day, and don’t skip days. Fact, how does it manage? Basically, oR is there a point where body can’t keep up.

I only wonder how body can function without organ shut down with such little iron in toblood? I haven’t heard of anyone bleeding for awhileed period. In mean time he ld her he should see her in 3 months. Anyway, frustrating! Have you heard of something like this before? Gynecologist said if bcc didn’t work within 2months he should put her on an iud. They did an ultrasound and said her ovaries were displaced. Keep reading! I was bleeding for 21 days now and in my opinion my diet which is high in raw foods, dark green foods, and stuff, is a solitary thing that is helping me not be deficient in my blood count. Actually. That said, this article and so lots of comments are helpful. That’s what they do with MS patients that they scratch their heads with a symtom they can’t find any reason for. I’m going through a very abnormal bleeding thing myself and was in ER 2 days ago. Nonetheless, they gave me an antibiotic dycycline or something, I’m I have MS it’s my body fighting an infection. Keep reading! I have raspberry leaf tea which I will start today, vitamin D capsules, and I’m keeping my diet strictly full of stuff that doesn’t thin toblood.

Thank you.

Planning to ER ld me everything it’s not, and after what I’m sure was a few thousand dollar visit, Know what guys, I know nothing still, and I’m still bleeding heavily.

I work full scale and have a whole house to pack. They’re like clockwork, I’ve always had heavy periods. With all for a whileer can this go on? That’s really not an option, I’m doing an out of state move in 10 days. I ok it easy yesterday. I’m so tired of this bleeding and it’s scaring crap out of me. However, there’s nothing wrong with me that they can find, right after a very embarrassing and invasive barrage of tests. Normally, it sounds like you may have endometriosis has anyone mentioned that possibility to you? Look, there’re others as well. Or Nancy’s Nook on Facebook intention to learn more about endo have a look at the ndometriosis Research Center. For starters, look, there’s Dr. You are significantly better off intending to someone who specializes in endo, most general practice gynecologists are not very good at identifying and treating endo.

Iris Orbuch…she is so compassionate and a skilled doctor and surgeon.

It sounds like you are in NY?

By the way, the kind of pain you are describing is definitely not normal. So there’re a few excellent endometriosis doctors there. Remember, please do your favorite research so I don’t misinform anyone.anyways, Know what guys, I take 2 a day even when I’m not on my period to regulate my blood, it made my life more bearable to say toleast. Less blood flow, no clots size of a golf ball, and even shortened it by a day. Of course best of luck! I encourage u to do your personal research and try it, its all natural so what’s harm in that.

It doesn’t mask the serious issue like birth control, it fixes the big problem.

I have faith that so it is my answer.

I don’t feel normal. PS. Needless to say, I’ve done it all need to get tested for deficiencies in clotting factors, von Willebrand’s disease, and platelet disorders. Working out can that is why doctors suggest it.

What I have read is that excess fat actually profuces estrogen in tobody. Was also ld I would never have children, I have 4 now. So, I was through this since I started my cycle when I was 15, I am now I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis at age 19 after my first child. Wondering if you are checked for this? Hoping you figure out your answers. Instead of bleeding any month for 7 days I now am lucky to have 7 nothing days in 2 months and pain is almost worse than childbirth. As I write this I am currently awaiting for my hysterectomy for ages being that I can’t handle pain and bleeding I have now. Lots of info can be found by going online. I wish that for any longer being that next month may be sixth month and its heavy I’ll get a break here and there with a light day but I have no energy I try to extend school but I end up sleeping through class.

They tell me it will eventually stop.

I have had my period for five months and its heavy and I feel faint and major hard core cramps I am feeling as if someone is having a rock concert in there.

I have gone through a n of birth controls and I’m just getting sick. She decided nighyt to go back for a while being that 1 or 2 doesn’t seem to matter. My daughter is 14 and has had irregular periods since last May. Basically the er dc called her gyn whknsaid…start kver 432 and stay on They did an ultra slund saw some fluid in uterus bit they weren’t concerned. She shahs on 2 pills for a couple of weeks before doctor put her on 1 pill ler day. In Sept they got so heavy she coUldn’t stand up with out it running dinw her leg.

I feel like none of it’s mirmal.

I feel like gyn ain’t concerned at all…hasn’t tried different pills either.

I made her an appt at CHOP for 3 weeks from today. Of course, one thng pills is likely to be dling is making her gain weight. It got sl bad she was cramping horribly. That is interesting right? She passed 2 huge clots that looked fleshy. Known I om a picture to send to Her ped who sakd go tohospita,. Bleedi g stopped butstarted again 2 weeks later…and she was still on 2pills per day. Put her on iron pills and sent her home. That last less than a month. As a result, she started having break through bleeding. Lots of info can be found easily online. Her iron lev went down even more from where they had been. You should take it into account. We did that…dcotr had her taje 4 pills 1st day, therefore 3 pills thence 2 pills. Being that it’s difficult to carry that many, It’s still annoying to be in bathroom any hour to empty it when bleeding is really heavy. I picked up some floradix on my way home from ER and already had Moringa in the premises, that should both the experience just added to my already maxed out stress levels, bleeding has slowed down tremendously. I’ll look into both. Thank you for your support!!! It’s could be a battle with doctors in following weeks, my energy levels are starting to pick up.

I’ll definitely look into Chinese herbs, I’m fairly sure I have yarrow root tea and dong quai in tocupboard, I’m thankful that this is not every month.

Mine was not as bad as this many here.

I’m vegan and ‘holisticminded’. I am planning to have my uterus removed soon via laparoscopic surgery. For those who don’t need or can not have children anyway, you certainly should have uterus removed? I lived for ageser than I had to. I feel for you. Wish I had gotten it removed many years ago. So, this uterus has got to go. Known I thought I’ve tried everything. I’m sure you heard about this. Thank you. Then, I need to find a completely new doctor, and ask for a higher dosage progesterone pills.

How are you doing now?

I don’t know what to do anymore.

Please, any advice should help. Remember, you have any advice for me, right? I’m only 24, and I’m so stressed out about this. Therefore, my younger sister is 20yrs old and is bed ridden for days and stays on her for awhile. That said, this was a trait passed down from my mother as she suffered identical thing. It never really made her dizzy or cold or anything until recently. She said they wanted to give her a hysterectomy at 16yrs old and that she should never have kids. She had 3 kids at ages 27, 33, and Finally choosing to get a hysterectomy at 47yrs old. Some info can be found easily on tointernet. She rushed her to ER to see what they can do, doctor left a report saying her blood is so low that it’s in danger levels and that spooked my mother.

It lines up perfectly because She has gotten her birth control pills literally yesterday but she wants to start it on first pace of toweek.

So it’s a huge relief to know somebody else feels the same way that I do.

During my last period I lost a lot blood that I couldn’t even stand up, and when I called ER and explained my problem and asked what I should do, doctor just tells me hmm I don’t know. Anyway, can I just start by saying thanks you. I feel your pain and I hope you stumble across a cure or are at least able to get through to a health professional who will listen to your very valid opinions and concerns. I stumbled across this article after researching what I must do about by extremely heavy, painful, and abnormal periods. Maybe try a glass of water like I hadn’t already tried that a million times.

Accordingly a few minutes later my nurse, I’m tempted to start a brand new religion just so I can appoint her as a saint, walks in with my discharge papers.

I’m so happy it’s not an ectopic pregnancy or anything serious.

Throughout day she has brought in warm blankets and shown more compassion than any doctor I have ever met. Exhausted and hormonal, To be honest I want to hug this woman for her simple acts of kindness and compassion. They aren’t Dr. I am a serious poser they can’t fix. Ok honey, I’m pretty sure I hope you feel better. I’m just a noncompliant patient with hormone problems. With that said, god forbid I ask them to think outside box and define what’s causing this excessive bleeding.

You go back home and relax and have fun.

Sometimes not knowing is even worse, my nurse takes out IV as careful as you can take out a IV and in a motherly ne says, I’m glad everything came back normal.

I fight back tears. House so they’d rather just pass me off to another doctor and in the apartments. Typically in ER they will use DDAVP or tranexemic acid by IV.

These will both and similar pics that looking at the inducing blood clots, high dose birth control isn’t only probably making it worse. Just keep reading. Many of us are aware that there are specialists, most gyns are not specialists and do more harm than good with endo. We have dozens of articles on endometriosis and adenomyosis and different treatment options. Find a specialist and don’t be afraid to go through multiple doctors until you find one. By the way I don’t think you have PCOS, even if you have cyst on toovary.

Most of us are aware that there is an answer out there.

Women with PCOS don’t have periods very regularly, maybe ‘twothree’ times per year.

You’ll need to ask for specialized testing. Whatever you decide, learn to trust your gut. With all that said… Talk to Philippa and dig intoresearch. Nevertheless, most standard blood tests won’t show anything. Stop taking in it, Therefore if birth control pill is making it worse. Fact, for next few weeks, I will walk around like living dead. And therefore the doctor will call to follow up. You should take this seriously. Resignation is a single emotion I can muster, as I write this I’m so faint that I’m debating going back to ER to test my blood levels again.

I can tell you how this story will end, I’m not a prophet.

I will force myself to eat in spite of having absolutely no appetite.

Sadly I have learned to accept it. You look for to take birth control now, right? Seriously. I tell her no, there’s really nothing more I can do for you at this point… I know so it is how everything will for ages being that history is simply repeating itself. Resignation that it’s as good as it gets so why fight tosystem, not concern for my own health. Now regarding aforementioned fact… In another month, or six, or maybe even a year, I’ll be back in ER and cycle will repeat itself again. Plenty of information can be found online. Bleeding slowly lets up in following days, like each time before. Anyways, I have similar problems.

I am 30 years old, and can barely for ages because being since my period.

One option they ever give me is take hormone pills or get a hysterectomy.

I have no cause for this bleeding type, I know it’s crazy. I have had problems. It works as well and ain’t hormonal medication but decreases flow so you can function more. With that said, if you have gotten ultrasounds and a laparoscopy that you nobody could be preparing to hospital every month -and I agree dr.

Have you looked into bioidential progesterone cream? Also, tranaexemic acid is a medication that decreases for ages being that it really is no fun whatsoever and it does affect quality of life. Anyway, I started adding flax and noticed a great reduction in pain and bleeding in my last two periods but thence I woke up with my period this month, heavy and crampy again.

Just when you think you have figured it out your body is like.haha nope.

I’m determined to try.

That combined with shepherds purse if you haven’t tried might some particular nasty so I don’t think I am getting full benefit but that product alone has crazy good reviews. Whenever evening primose, or borage oil, a few products I have tried that have greatly worked for others are Shepherds Purse, Estrosense or Estrosmart and either flax. Oh my goodness that is so awful! I’m a very paranoid person, and I always worry about everything before it even happens.

Now that I’m reading through this arcticle and all these replies, I reckon my problem is a combination of stress and low progesterone.

Recently about a month ago, Actually I started planning to see an acupuncture doctor for alternative medicine.

Still my period came every now and again and even heavier, he tried to help. Despite for a while with a blood test I had a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound done which determined that I have a hemorrhagic cyst in my ovaries. On worst days I go through a fill pack of pads everyday and am up nearly any hour throughout night having to change my pads. Now let me tell you something. I am going through exactly this at the moment. I will push.

We know our bodies better than anyone and I know when something is wrong.

Thank you for sharing.

I won’t stop being an inconvenience and I will continue to be relentless until I get answers. Normally, it seems in my case as well By the way I am just an inconvenience todoctors. I head back to my office to explain to my male boss that everything was fine and try to make it sound serious enough not to sound like a hypochondriac. On my way out of toER, I stop by hospital pharmacy and pick up prescription for hormones that I won’t take. That’s where it starts getting really interesting. He smiles and Okays me to work from the comfort of home next day.

Your situation is almost identical to mine but theast time I saw doctor in 2012 they confirmed I do have PCOS.

Obgyn consultant said nothing I can do for you unless you lose a few stones in weight.

I do seek for to know why it’s like that, dunno what to do, By the way I don’t seek for to take pills to stop bleeding and mess up cycle more. Nonetheless, I think it might be time to go back to Doctor but I feel like it’s pointless cos I’m so big! I’m still in Same position, timeless period since April, and not pregnant after 8yrs and I also can’t stick to taking metformin. Keep reading. I did not manage to fight redundant obesity despite dieticians and psychological interventions and slimming world. On p of this, you find it helps anything, right? I should rule this out that’s not often tested by physicians. Then again, nature of your bleeding is interesting, runny fluid versus clotting and likely means something -perhaps a bleeding disorder. Have you been checked for a clotting/bleeding disorder?

Von Willebrand’s is most prevalent. It seems many gynecologists don’t even test for these. You likely already know that birth control or Rx tranexamic acid or even NSAID’s are usually effective at reducing flow -as a certain amount you well know, these don’t work for some women. Whatever it’s, in my experience, progesterone is worst thing you can take and metrinidazole stops it. You should take this seriously. It worked every time, and I figure an antibiotic once a year is better for me than womb removal, I’ve only tried antibiotic 6 times. Treatement for BV worked on this, whatever hell it’s, I was diagnosed with BV for six of seven years that I’ve had this, and they’ve been wrong.

Philippa, who wrote both of articles I suggested to you is in Canada.

I know it ok years for them to diagnose her appropriately.

Reach to her in comments section of articles and perhaps she can point you in right direction. As a rule of a thumb, also consider thyroid testing. Normally, she is for awhile. Considering above said. Dr won’t do anything until she gives him a timeline when she wants to have kids. With all that said… My daughter is 23 and had been diagnosed with endometriosis. He also won’t listen to her that she is for ages. Never went through what she is going through, To be honest I myself had it and had a hysterectomy at age of 26. He just calls it breakthrough bleeding and tells her to double up on topill.

It was a little a completely different bc pill estrogen based about a month ago. She uses a tampon and a pad and still bleeds through. Any suggestions must be most appreciated! She was bleeding literally for 3 months +. Every about ‘3 4’ years apart. I’m sure you heard about this. She is still in college and isn’t close to being ready for kids. It’s abeing that pain and bleeding have become a lot more severe since I started taking them, I also was taking birth control for past couple of days.

They have done multiple blood tests and 1 ultrasound and they came back normal.

I never bled like that before ever though until it started a year and a half ago and never stopped.

He did a pap smear and pelvic exam and he ld me I surely have PCOS and that I would need to do another blood test again to try to find it….I am confused by needing so many blood test cause I have already had 4 and every one showed I was fine. I was thence sent to see a gyno. Just before that, I’m quite sure I didn’t have a period for 1 year. Considering above said. I am currently afraid to go get one at moment because of how much blood I am losing already. I have very similar symptoms, and very similar problems with doctors at the moment. Like clockwork for fifteen years until I ok pill for first time in after that, main difference for me is that my period was normal, all hell broke loose.

To things that I have learned over years is that where mostly there’s one nutrient deficiency there’re others and those deficiencies add up and wreak havoc on women’s health.

Low iron could be tackled even before one considers ablation.

It may also be a result of other problems that are yet to be diagnosed and could influence high blood loss -vitamin b12 deficiency for the sake of example is common with anemia. Anemia can be a result of blood loss and so correct blood loss and perhaps correct toanemia. Essentially, mine get so bad to point were I can’t go anywhere and I’m pretty much bed ridden.

I have similar problem!

Almost white coating on my ngue from iron deficiency, after my period I will get bad dizzy spells.

I am considering getting my ovaries removed. Now I do not feel so alone. Nevertheless, I am often afraid that my periods are intending to take my life. I had history of recurrent miscarriages and was also diagnosed with genetic problems but using your system I got pregnant naturally at age 44 after 2 HSGs and 4 negative IUIs including 6 induction Clomid cycles and laparscopy. After 6 years making an attempt to conceive I finally got pregnant 3 weeks after I contacted iyareyarespellstemple.webs.com/ It was simply amazing. On p of this, god will bless you and your good work way more. Nevertheless, I am recommending your program to all my friends. Few thoughts on treatment. I’m not sure what rationale is for prescribing a low estrogen pill. Still…to stop bleeding hormonally you may need more estrogen than that, I know you said you are taking three of them. Fact, loestrin may not be better option. Now im older and afraid to take bc, and im tired of living just like this.

I had to get a d and c, ok bc until it ran out, and my problem was fixed.

I experienced something similar when I was 19, I had polyps.

All I know is ive been bleeding since Christmas eve. I will never find anyone to have kids with since I can hardly leave tohouse, im crying now and then just thinking about a hysterectomy. Normally, im 34, and feel ive missed my chance of having kids bc this bas started happening to me. Im in a horrible bind because of all of this. I’ll be seeing dr soon, and see if its similar, or something different. Like yeah I get it being overweight can affect this stuff in quite a few individuals but I really don’t feel like that’s the significant issue.

Sounds so similar to my issue.

It ended Wednesday.

My gyno just repeatedly suggests birth control. I hate not knowing what, and not being able to start a family with man I’m in love with. I got excited, like last week I had a normal period. Working out. Then again, this wasn’t always a poser. I had blood tests, ultrasound and Pap smears all come back normal. It’s leading me to become terribly depressed. Basically, it’s been going on for about a year now. Before that my periods were normal. I’m striving to get pregnant for 7 months without any luck. Now pay attention please. Which only masks the serious issue. Now regarding aforementioned fact… My periods last forever. I literally lived off fish and chips and Pepsi, Know what, I ended that relationship moved home started eating regularly and I don’t drink soda now. My doctors suggestion is birth control. Some info can be found by going online. I’m making an attempt to conceive.

My lifestyle was super unhealthy.

Something has to be wrong.

I have been to two gynos, first just ld me to work out and didn’t do any tests. I’m allergic to birth control have tried 7 types and have no insurance so I’m always in toer. I get similar treatment iv and ld that I’ve been bleeding for 126 days straight day and was taking iron supplements.

I am to point that I am going crazy and so is my fiancé. I might be planning to er in about 30 minutes and write an update if they do anything different for me. I wish you and everyone struggling with this overlooked problem all p and all the best. I was hospitalized with blood transfusions after having fainted, as early as age 14. Just think for a moment.a single advice I have for you is a medication called Tranexamic Acid that is active ingredient,. Perhaps she has already tried those? Of course, been taking those since. That is interesting. Thank you for commenting. I am certain other women can learn from your experience and hopefully stave off plenty of suffering that you have had to endure. For example, cAWS, will you be interested in writing your health story for a blog post. Nevertheless, being on birth control pills to control bleeding as well as endo does not work, as well as article about pill bleeds.

Do I go to?

It’s a good idea to ask to have your hemoglobin and ferritin checked. I went to my general care physician when bleeding became unbearable and soaked through my pants. Ultimately that bleeding you are likely anemic. They may only check your hemoglobin, and that is only part of tostory. See this article for more information.

I’m She prescribed loestrin and has me taking 3 a day to stop tobleeding. I’m day 6 into pills and I’m still bleeding through a tampon ever thirty minutes with huge clots bigger than tampon itself. I’m having really similar problem everyone here’s having, I seriously can’t take it anymore, To be honest I went to Drs other day for bad heavy bleeding again…I’m Dr thinks low progesterone.

200mg at night, maybe it requires some time to take for any longer being that since therefore it’s worse, Know what guys, I could hardly function yesterday at work, out of control, how can I bleed a lot!

I feel like I’m sick, run down weak, I’m so done…and now getting depressed about it…willing to go to health food store if redish raspberry leaf capsules been working for you…if something doesn’t change soon, I’m requesting this xic organ removed!

Hi, wondering how your doing on redish raspberry leaf capsules? Nevertheless, I have been on a couple different oral forms of birth control depo shot solely for regulating my periods but nothing worked. TMI but this time I’m bleeding through for awhileest pad gether that I can find within a couple hours. I guess it doesn’t should’ve been out of whack because of it but why should that make any of us suffer. With that said, as I’ve mentioned earlier I’ve had a period for 9 months straight but also had NO period for 9 months straight, my cycle is so erratic I never know when to expect it most regular I have been was before this cycle where I had a period each and other month for a little over a ‘year never’ similar day but at least I could expect to have or skip one.

I’m so frustrated, I begged her this last visit if there was something she could prescribe to make bleeding stop, Know what, I can barely walk much less any activity without gushing and it’s really taking a mental toll.

I’m currently experiencing a period of 4 months, 1 week, 9 days.

Whenever definitely not post I’ve had is a pelvic ultrasound where results came back normal when being checked to see if I had PCOS, I almost wish for a diagnosis so that I could get some particular treatment. So this current Doctor that I’ve had for two years has put me on metformin to regulate periods and jumpstart ovulation as me and my fiancé been wanting kids for about 5 years now. Now please pay attention. Pap smears come back normal would, I’ve always been irregular since I’ve started my period when I was a younger girl now I’m very close to I just met with my doctor as I do every month and I feel like her and toOB/gyn she talked to feels like I’m making this up, I’m quite sure I truly believe there’d be no benefit from it.

With that said, this for a whileest not it’s now. I I’m bleeding almost nonstop, since around October.

I read your comment, and I feel like we have very similar problems! Long time use. For me at this point, it’s metrinidazole. Birth control pills do commonly come with aftereffects similar to fatigue, depression, anxiety, loss of libido, or even serious aftereffect like blood clots. That said, this article has an overview of treatment options for heavy menstrual bleeding. That’s interesting. Tranexamic acid should be a perfect treatment option. I know it’s great that you are researching options to it’s at point to where I can’t work and I can barely move.

My husband and I’ve been trying for a baby for 2 years now to no luck.

I am 23 almost 24, and I have had periods really like that since I was They are extremely heavy.

They are extremely painful Now look, the doctor usually just gives me an inflammatory pain killer Seeing this article shows me that I am not a single one going through this I just wish I knew what was going on. I am even starting to go through it almost each and other week. I go through a super plus tampon and pad in 30 minutes to few minutes. Nearly any time I go tohospital, they just look at me and say I am wasting my time. Notice that please, if someone can thence, please do. Now let me tell you something. Is there any suggestions on what I must for any longer being that I can’t continue to live like that. From what I’m seeing online, thousands of women suffer from this. I’m sure you heard about this. It’s an epidemic, and it’s pure sexism that it was not being investigated or researched properly. I guess we do our own and share our information. This is tocase. I’m miserable any month, and simply refuse to take hormones.

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