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Causes Of Spotting Period: Further Help Information

causes of spotting period Online brokerages also typically have live agents available to answer questions by phone. Now look, the cause of the pain in most women isn’t fully understood.

You must see a doctor if.

Sometimes conditions just like endometriosis can make period pains become worse. You must see a doctor, if you have vaginal bleeding at times apart from your expected periods. With that said, this includes if bleeding occurs after you have sex, or after the menopause. Therefore this usually settles over a few months. I’m sure it sounds familiar. One common cause is called breakthrough bleeding, that is small bleeds that occur in the first few months after starting the contraceptive pill. Did you hear of something like that before? There’re various causes of bleeding between periods. You’d better see a doctor if your periods have not started anyway by the age of 16. First two days are usually the worst. That’s interesting right? It’s common to experience an ache in your lower abdomen, back and ps of your legs, especially in the first few days of your period.

causes of spotting period See separate leaflet called Period Pain for more details.

Some women have more pain than others.

Painkillers or anti inflammatory painkillers just like ibuprofen usually ease the pain if I know it’s troublesome. Irregular periods may indicate that you do not ovulate every month, and the balance of the female hormones might be upset. Now please pay attention. See a doctor if your periods become irregular in your younger years. You see, the interval between periods can vary in some women. That’s where it starts getting really intriguing. Irregular periods are often common in the few years leading up to the menopause. It’s unusual to miss a few periods unless you are pregnant.

So it’s best to see a doctor if your periods stop for at least six months without explanation, as a rule.

See separate leaflet called Absent or Irregular Periods for more details.

Undoubtedly it’s not uncommon to miss the odd period for no apparent reason. Pregnancy is the most common reason for periods to stop. Whenever shedding excessive fat excessive cutting down excessive slimming working out, exercising if you. So it is common. It’s difficult to measure blood loss accurately. Periods are considered heavy if they are affecting your life and causing problems. In most women, the cause is unclear and there’s no abnormality of the womb or hormones.

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