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Common Health Problems In Women: The Types Range From Mildly Uncomfortable To Life-Threatening

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common health problems in women

common health problems in women We are not making an attempt to take the place of your doctor only to will be uterine fibroids, that are fairly harmless. Whenever as indicated by the National Institute of Mental Health, about 1 in 8 women will experience clinical depression in her lifetime. That’s twice as common as men. Heart disease includes a range of ‘heartrelated’ problems. Often when people say heart disease they’re referring to cardiovascular disease in your heart’s major arteries, that can lead to heart attack and stroke. Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke if possible. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. Be certain your exercise routine includes aerobic activity.

Examples include running, walking, swimming, and almost any other healthy activity that gets your heart pumping.

Get loads of calcium and vitamin D, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol, and participate in some sort of weight bearing physical activity.

common health problems in women Examples include tai chi, yoga, walking/running, dancing, hiking, tennis, and more. Weight bearing’ workouts stress and strengthen your bones and muscles more than everyday life. Pregnant women are at risk for gestational diabetes. Considering the above said. Women who are overweight and have a family history of diabetes are at a higher risk. Women of color are also more gonna get diabetes, though experts aren’t sure why. Known heart disease accounts for about one all third female deaths, as the leading killer of both men and women. Risk factors include increasing age, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lack of physical activity, diabetes, and obesity.write we’re here to help, I’d say in case you have questions about your health.

Call Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare today at and sexually transmitted infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Some women have them without any symptoms for months or even years. Even if they have no symptoms, the CDC recommends Zika virus testing for all pregnant women who traveled to areas with ongoing Zika virus transmission. There’s more information about this stuff here. Even with today’s medicine, loads of women experience difficulty conceiving and pregnancy complications, both of which can be heartbreaking. Let me tell you something. Fertility and pregnancy health are extremely important for women who wish to become mothers.

Women who are sexually active. Statistically, more than half of the population will have a STD or STI at some point in lifespan. Zika is most dangerous for pregnant women. And now here is a question. Did you know the first known case of the Zika virus in Virginia was found in our hometown of Harrisonburg? Nonetheless, women in the are at risk as long as possible, if you think you have depression or another mental health issue. You may just find they can help. Whenever eating a low sugar diet, and keeping your blood pressure under control are good preventative measures, maintaining a healthy weight. Now look. Diabetes is a very treatable condition, with proper care. Go see your doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms like increased thirst, hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, changes in weight, or blurred vision.

Anxiety and depression can happen because of outside stressors or a chemical imbalance. Pregnant women are at a particularly high risk for depression, especially postpartum depression, because of changing hormones. Women across the country face a lot of unique health problems throughout their lives, from infertility to breast cancer to international health scares like the Zika virus. Most importantly, how can you protect yourself and stay healthy? How do you know what you’re at risk for? Striving to stay healthy can feel like an uphill battle. Your health is worth protecting. For instance, at Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare, we believe all women deserve nearly any stage of life. We treat all our patients with respect and understanding. It can cause birth defects in pregnant women, including microcephaly, a condition in which a baby’s head is smaller than expected, symptoms are often mild or not present.

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