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Constant Bleeding After Period: Sorry For This Rant But We’re Looking At Things I Can’t Tell Everyone Else

constant bleeding after period Premiums and annual rate changes will be depending on the health risk of the entire pool. So this provision prevents insurers from using separate insurance pools within markets to get around the market reforms and to charge people with greater health problems higher premiums by increasing their premiums at higher rates than other, healthier risk pools. I had the exact thing happen to me at about 46 yrs old.

My blood level was very low and I had to have an unit of blood.

All of a sudden I just skipped a month. I go sometimes 4 months without a period anyway, I take the pill continuously. For instance, after that I have had very light periods with some spotting in between, nothing major. It did, it ok a couple of weeks for it to stop completely. On p of this, the pill is very mild and I have really. On p of that, I was not pregnant, and the next month my period lasted for 2 weeks. My Dr put me on a low dose birth control pill and it did eventually work. It was heavier than normal for me, it was not super heavy. I had completely normal periods my entire life.

constant bleeding after period Accordingly the next month I was back to normal, so the next year very similar thing happened again and this time it was super heavy with clots and lasted for 50 days.

She’s 57 now in fact.

My mom had her menopause for 7 years now and it’s clearly not normal for her to bleed and as what the doctor said, she have some swelling in her uterus which obviously causes the bleeding and needed some ultrasound to see if there exists ultimately she decided to go to a Dr. I was looking for need something from someone who is experiencing it like my mom.

constant bleeding after period Still none of you here was diagnosed with cancer and that’s a big relief, as what I’ve read from this thread.

It stops for few days but starts again.

My mom started bleeding last November 2014 up to this day. Glad to find this thread. I hope the ultrasound shows no major problem. Still, go to your doctors whenever possible to avoid major complications in the future, I wish you good health to all who are experiencing similar. I am scared are having the irregular bleeding spotting for months.

constant bleeding after period Didn’t seek for to but the anxiety over the thing is making me crazy. I am going in day for a check up. I have read very much over the last few days Re this crazy bleeding. Myself I haven’t even missed any periods yet but over the last few years they have def gotten heavier and in the last two mon the I have had a couple flooding ‘incidents what’ an eye opener THAT was. Fact, all corrected itself and they did disperse on there own. Dr. Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD, is a board certified Anatomic Pathologist with subspecialty training in the fields of Experimental and Molecular Pathology. Now look. Stöppler’s educational background includes a BA with Highest Distinction from the University of Virginia and a MD from the University of North Carolina. She completed residency training in Anatomic Pathology at Georgetown University followed by subspecialty fellowship training in molecular diagnostics and experimental pathology. Another question isSo the question is this. Are there any other tests to figure out whether its perimenopause and nothing sinister?

constant bleeding after period Will I be having them each year until it stops?

Is it necessary to have it?

Now the gynaecologist suggests another hysteroscopy. I had hysteroscopy with biopsy about 5 years ago, didn’t feel great for a month after that, and the results were ok, had an ultrasound a few days ago which is ok. For instance, from what I read since you haven’t bled for a long time it seems that if another period shows up it might be extra heavy and long. Just think for a moment. It’s good you got an appointment for next week but I know the waiting is so hard. I was lucky to get three days with out anything in a row. With not many breaks, I am in year 8 of peri. Aged 41 ish I identical problem, I bled for almost 21 months, sometimes heavy heavy, hereafter spotting, and it was 21 months for me.

Hiya I am new to this discussion but I just wanted to say I am 50 years old and I started to bleed last April 2014 and it dint stop till January I had blood tests and ultrasound and pelvic exam with nothing found.

Just need it all to stop now.

Please do not want the coil. I just 5 weeks ago started bleeding again and it’s slowly been getting heavier so I’ve had to stop work again as it seems worse when I’m on my feet all day. As a result, tranexamic acid did nothing and the 3 monthly injection didn’t work either. Needless to say, feeling very low as nothing seems to help. So, depo Provera?

I bled for 50 days, before my Dr put me on a very low dose of birth control pill.

I love it.

Sometimes I go 4 months without any period really. That’s a fact, it’s very light, when I do have a period. Essentially, my blood got so low when I was bleeding, that I had to have an unit of blood. Without any problems, my Dr ld me that I can stay on the pill continuously until I’m around 52. I take it continuously and have no problems anyway. A well-known fact that is. Believe me, I know it’s worth taking and not having to worry about bleeding constantly. Then, I did have a vaginal ultra sound to figure out whether nothing was wrong. As it turned out, he got the brain cancer diagnosis when he was 51 years old and was dead 7 months later. Oftentimes I seek for very much to believe in the power of positive thinking.but I’ve seen some real crap happen to people. I’m sure you heard about this. He went out and changed everything. Notice, I watched my own father turn his WHOLE LIFE around after getting distressing news from his doctor back in his mid 40s. You see, life ain’t fair and it has made me wonder how much good I can possibly do for my own health when I’ll likely get the short end of the stick just like my dad.

We were all so impressed by his will to overcome.

We’re looking at things I can’t tell everyone else, sorry for this rant.

Despite all his hard work, he died anyway I was 18 when that happened, and watching what happened to my father as a young girl really had a horrible impact on me. Nevertheless, thank you sabrina. Make sure you scratch a comment about it below. Within a few years he was in p health of his life by age 50 than he had been some 20 years before. That’s right! While my mother smokes, my dad died young for all the work he put forth on behalf of his health, never exercises, drinks every day.and will probably live to her 90s. So it is man who was a former 4pack a day smoker who wound up running a 26mile marathon at age 50! By the way, a nuisance, I so had a hysteroscopy all was fine. All was fine, ultra sound as had cysts they have been not serious. I had 3 times fainting, and always felt dizzy and stuff, had to eat little and often, for me it was start of peri.

Hi Everyone I was so relieved to find this thread.

I had this done about 6 years ago and am now going through menopause with some other problems but bleeding ain’t one of them.

I am sure that the gyno uses a laser to basically burn out the lining of the uterus. Also, you can just get by with a light days pad. Certainly, And so it’s done under light anesthesia and there was each moth! It was so easy though after the horrible life altering heavy bleeding before. I went through the heavy bleeding and had a procedure done called an uterine ablasion. Most women never have period again and a small percentage have very light 1 to 3 days periods. For any longer because with the mass already there, I have no desire to get a IUD, I’m almost sure I tend to feel full down there and easily crampy. Plus I have some real continence problems and I feel all of this must be made worse by a IUD. Actually the hormones also regulate the menstrual cycle. And therefore the ovary, or female gonad, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. It’s abeing that I’ve gotten so busy it slips my mind. I will set an alarm to remember and see if getting back to my routine helps some. My dr tried to give me the deppo shot but for any longer being that I am 40 years old and I smoke cigarettes. It’s not Hrt you take it when your period starts and it must make the bleeding less. For example, go see a gynae Gp just fob you off and know nothing. Did you hear about something like this before? One easy solution is to have a mirena coil that must calm the bleeding if not stop eventually.

I didn’t just put up and now at 52 I am just recovering from a hysterectomy.

Insist on a blood test to see if anaemic and the gp will tell you how much iron to take.

Go see your gp again and ask for tranexamic acid tablets. Could’ve been for awhile being that you have endremetrois, or thickening of the womb lining this wil not come up on ultrasound. If nothing came up on the scan ask to be referred or a gynae they can so talk you through various things they can look at. Best to check at this early stage as procedure to gonna be easier. You should discover why you are bleeding a lot. Hiya, my docs never did a pap smear as it was 2 years since my last one so I feel concerned about that and after my internal scan my doctors said they never received the report only the pictures which apparently shouldn’t of been, they seemed content with that but I was not so I still have a doubt about things.

Hiya they not done a blood test to check yet.

If it comes back with a vengeance they going probably refer me to a gyni.

I taking spatone at min which is a natural iron supplement from boots chemist. Normally, I just come from docs now and they send g me for another ultrasound and give me 2 norethisterone mth to get me through my holiday abroad whilst on that. Hiya, To be honest I had a blood test done last year when I had been bleeding for a couple of months but was suprised they never repeated it as I kept going for another seven month. Oftentimes I did have a blood count done for something else before my bleeding started again so in my opinion for ageser before doing another blood count as I only been going 5 weeks this time, slowly getting heavier. Just think for a moment. Today’s appt revealed I have a 6cm mass in my uterus the radiologist interpreted as a likely fibroid but I won’t know the results until sometime wednesday.

Hiya Rhianon, oh my you poor thing this particular worry as well having to wait.

We will know what happens on Wednesday.

It’s good you are close to an answer as worrying and not knowing anything is terrible. Stay positive it’s surely a fibroid as they say. I can’t shake that mortal fear, I desperately cling to the idea I am less going to have Cancer than I am to have a Fibroid. Of course I’ve had plenty of heart palpitations day alone, that may be caused by the anxiety or the fact my blood count is already very low. My husband is still in another state finishing up preparations to sell the old house. He’s not able to come up here all that much because of his training coming up. Nevertheless, realize also that I have an advanced medical background as a registered nurse who initially trained 3 years to become a physician before changing my mind.

I know WAY going to be and it scares the crap out of me You ladies was very kind.

Thus, To be honest I am alone here in Alaska with my 7yo son, and the prospect of dealing with the results being bad just has my stomach in knots and my heart racing.

Thank you a lot. When they did my hysterectomy they found endemtrosis on my womb and overy I never suffered from this but wonder now if this was the real cause of the bleeding. You will need a hyster scope to have a proper look around. My only option was hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. It’s not the answer as it just band aids the symptoms. For me I had a fibroid in the middle of my womb. Yes, that’s right! When you srr Dr ask for an ultra sound and blood test for anemia and get referral to gynae.With my constant bleeding they gave me normsthrone not sure of spelling. Wish I had seen a gynae earlier but my gp never referred me and I never though to ask. You might be different and if nothing found via ultra sound see gp or gynae appointment as need to make sure for a while as that.

Now look, a friend of mine had an ablation was home on identical day.

Need to have finished having children as it makes you infertile.

I am surprised they have not offered you the mirena coil first as this can be very effective. I wanted an ablation but my fibroids were they have been smaller it would have been possible. Always your anemic because of heavy periods. So it is the first I have ever heard anemia causing heavy periods! I was diagnosed with low iron last year and havent been taking my supplements and was experiencing sporadic irregular bleeding and am now having heavy periods with clotting.

I am 52 now and started these heavier periods @Had an ultrascan that came up with 2 small fibroids -common at this stage and must shrink in menopause.

Went to Dr who said to choose blood tests and see Dr again in 2 weeks.

I have just had my first month with heavy periods lasting 3 weeks so far. Certainly, I’m taking transamic acid and mefenamic acid combo for about a year which did reduce the bleeding -now this. Being that I thought I was going through something unusual.

My family doesn’t do well with hormones so I am not saying it wn’t work for others -for me it was worse.

It was clots and nearly any day but in my opinion I need extra. Online. I had a bunch of very emberassing accidents. I felt like I had no energy and couldn’t think. I am heading back to my acupunturist to see if he can give me something that is more natural and I actually have to know asap, Therefore if this is something even worse. Fact, it seems super heavy bleeding coupled with anemia and complete loss of energy is a rather common phenomenon during perimenopause.

Thank you for your well wishes. I have a 7 yo son need to leave behind! So time of the cycle during which menstruation occurs is referred to as menses. Whenever representing the menstrual cycle, the menses occurs at approximately four week intervals. I am My periods stopped for about 7 months. I have no pain but a slight backache. I haven’t seen a doctor in years. Notice that I have now been bleeding for around 3 weeks. For any longer being that for any longer I was terrified to go. I see I’m not after that, 2 days later it started again. You should take it into account. It’s not because of the language barrier. Now please pay attention. I was relived to come across this site as I have gained some reassurances. According to the cause, pelvic pain can be acute and sudden in onset, or the for agesstanding.

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