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Epublications – Other Recent Studies

female healthSome research suggests that medicines use just like antidepressants, antipsychotics, or mood stabilizers may sometimes work for anorexic patients.

It is thought that these medicines help the mood and anxiety symptoms that often ‘coexist’ with anorexia. Other recent studies, however, suggest that antidepressants may not stop some patients with anorexia from relapsing. No medicine has shown to work 100 time percent during the important first step of restoring a patient to healthy weight. Research is still happening, it isn’t clear if and how medications can help anorexic patients get better.

< >Set a time to talk. Set aside a time to talk privately with your friend. Make sure you talk in a quiet place where you won’t be distracted. Tell your friend about your concerns. Be honest. Tell your friend about your worries about her or his not eating or over exercising. Tell your friend you are concerned and that you think these things might be a sign of a problem that needs professional help. Ask your friend to talk to a professional. Your friend can talk to a counselor doctor noone knows about eating issues. Offer to help your friend find a counselor doctor and make an appointment, and offer to go with her or him to the appointment. Avoid conflicts. Don’t push, if your friend won’t admit that she or he has a problem. Be sure to tell your friend you are always there to listen if she or he wants to talk. Don’t place shame, blame, or guilt on your friend. Don’t say, You just need to eat. Instead, say things like, I’m concerned about you because you won’t eat breakfast or lunch. It makes me afraid to hear you throwing up. Don’t give simple solutions. If you’d just stop, Don’t say, hereafter things would be fine! Let your friend know that you will always be there no matter what. More information on anorexia nervosa.

Now let me ask you something. Adapted from What Should I Say, is that the case? Tips for Talking to a Friend Who May Be Struggling with a Eating Disorder from the National Eating Disorders Association. It was 6 months ago when I realized my daughter, Jen, had an eating disorder. Jen has always been a picky eater.i started to see that she moved food around her plate. Actually, she never ate very much. On top of this, she exercised quite often even when she was sick. So, she was sick a lot. Nevertheless, she became very skinny and pale. Now please pay attention. Her hair thinned. Jen became moody and seemed sad I thought that’s what teens act like. However, I talked to Jen about anorexia, once I put the signs together. She denied she had a problem.i knew she needed help. Jen in the hospital. Jen’s treatment helped her return to a normal weight. For example, Jen is home now, It’s been a tough road since for all of us. She is still seeing her doctors, and may need help for some time. She’s doing a lot better.

female health Even if she or he is too thin, someone with anorexia thinks about food a lot and limits the food she or he eats. Anorexia is more than just a problem with food. That said, it’s a way of using food or starving oneself to feel more in control of life and to ease tension, anger, and anxiety. Notice, most people with anorexia are female. So an anorexic. It might be safe for young people to be treated with antidepressants. Drug companies who make antidepressants are required to post a blackish box warning label on the medication.

< >Is it safe for young people to take antidepressants for anorexia? What actually is anorexia nervosa, right?

For more information about anorexia nervosa, call womenshealth.

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female health It might be possible that antidepressants make children, adolescents, and young adults more gonna think about suicide or commit suicide. Some researchers point out that prescribing medicines and using psychotherapy designed just for anorexic patients works better at treating anorexia than just psychotherapy alone. Whether her situation, or not a treatment works, though, depends on the person involved and his Although, noone psychotherapy kind always works for treating adults with anorexia.

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