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How To Stop Your Period Early: Again Substance Use Can Be Quite Harmful

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how to stop your period early Long march ward menopause which officially occurs when a woman has not menstruated for a full year begins for most women during their fourth decade. You may skip a cycle here or there, have your periods unusually close together, or experience heavy bleeding. Ford. Therefore, while as pointed out by Dr, unless your bleeding is excessively heavy or prolonged, s usually not a issue. Oftentimes it’s since your brain, ovaries, and uterus are still working on getting in sync hormonally. It might be quite irregular for months or even years, when you first start having your period. Spotting after intercourse raises a redish flag, when you become sexually active. It’s especially true if you’re having unprotected sex or have just started having sex with a tally new partner. Everyone knows that drugs and alcohol aren’t exactly the healthiest indulgences.

how to stop your period early We’ve all heard the chilling DARE speeches, seen the sorrowful ‘antisubstance’ use commercials flash across our TV screen, and encountered firm looks and wagging fingers when drugs and alcohol are brought up in conversation. Besides, substance use can be quite harmful, These are all fairly reasonable experiences. Hundreds of thousands of results appeared, mostly advertising which strain of weed is best for curing cramps, headaches, and almost every classic PMS symptom, if you searchmarijuana and PMS on Google. Studies show that marijuana lessens chronic pain, and that certain strains are effective in treating anxiety and nausea. With its recent legalization in many states, it makes sense weed is used to cure similar ailments for thousands of years.And, now, more people suffering from severe PMS and PMDD are able to safely and legally test its effects.


We’ve barely scratched the surface on their effects on the menstrual cycle specifically, we know that women drink and use drugs, and we know these activities can pose health risks. Researching for this article was kind of disappointing, in order to be perfectly honest.

how to stop your period early Look, there’re so few studies performed on how substance use, particularly of recreational drugs, affects a woman’s period.

Though, hormone levels aren’t typically disrupted by mild amounts of alcohol and even when this does vary by person, it should take a bit of a bit of booze to drastically alter hormones.

Alcohol can temporarily increase levels of estrogen and testosterone.Estrogen and testosterone are two very important hormones in people with periods, and when they are increased by alcohol consumption, they can alter when you ovulate and thus change when you menstruate. Notice that this makes for irregular periods, that can be frustrating to deal with. As long as marijuana usage was only recently legalized in the US, most evidence on smoking weed to alleviate PMS and period cramps was purely anecdotal.

More research is certainly needed to understand both the benefits and the risks of the drug, as well its longterm effects, while the ‘shortterm’ effects seem positive. Coke, let’s say, can alter ovulation and increase a hormone called prolactin, that could cause hormonal shifts and irregular periods. As indicated by this incredibly informative piece from the NYC Times, it can prolong the pain experienced by those who suffer from dysmenorrhea, that is a menstrual disorder that causes severe cramps, alcohol does not cause period pain. Day Health claims that being that alcohol can decrease blood sugar levels, it emphasizes the emotional symptoms of PMS. Nevertheless it does not say how, the piece also states that alcohol worsens PMS symptoms. Fact, the illegal drugs examined included cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and LSD, all of which had differing adverse or unknown effects on menstruating or pregnant bodies. There haven’t been many studies performed on how they affect the menstrual cycle, since most recreational drugs are illegal. I’m pretty sure I did find this article on VICEin which assistant editor Arielle Pardes spoke to three different doctors on different drugs’ effects on fertility, that led to discussions on hormones and menstruation as well. Consequently hopefully, it’s a gap that needs to be filled rather than just preventative measures, more indepth research might be done on the subject.

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