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I Had Completely Normal Periods My All The Existence: Trusted Medic Information And Support – Patient

prolonged light bleeding after periodAll of a sudden we skipped a month.

My Dr put me on a rather low dose birth control pill and it did finally work. After that we have had extremely light periods with some spotting in between, nothing fundamental. That is interesting. The next month I was back to normal, sohereafter next year identical thing happened once more and this time it was super heavy with clots and lasted for 50 months. It was heavier than normal for me, it was not super heavy. Pill has been rather mild and they have no problem with it really., without any doubts, my blood level was quite rather low and they had to have an unit of blood. It did, it took a couple of weeks for it to stop completely.

IUD, because with the mass usually there, they tend to feel full down there and quickly crampy.

Plus we have some real continence troubles and they feel all of this should be made worse by a IUD.

Wow glad they looked with success for this, I’m 53 and have not missed period, last August I bled for practically the month a few weeks highly heavy and hereafterhereafter merely light.

Now I’m in my 25th day of light bleeding always in the day and after that, thence overnight nothing. Rather nice to see I’m not alone in this. My last paps are normal. Sept went back to normal. Often, have not yet gone to Dr, not a tremendous fan of endless tests.

The actual question is. Jay, so you continued the constant bleeding after the contraception injections? Not stopping since then, constant bleeding started 1/2/2015, and has usually lightened between 1 to 3 months in a month. All corrected itself and they did disperse on there own. Did you hear of something like this before? We can’t look for any real pattern to when it may be a light day.

This always was the first we have ever heard anemia causing heavy periods!

Is it needed to have it? Now the gynaecologist assumes another hysteroscopy. Often our own anemic because of heavy periods. Seriously. Are there any different tests to check whether its perimenopause and nothing sinister? Will we be having them every year until it stops?

Dr put me on a rather quite low dose of birth control pill. Re this crazy bleeding. It is it is always extremely light, when they do have a period. Ok, and now one of most essential parts. Endorse me, it probably was worth taking and not having to worry about bleeding constantly. At timesthey go 4 months with no period anyway. My blood got so quite low when we was bleeding, that we had to have an unit of blood. With all that said… Without any problems, my Dr told me that they usually can stay on pill continuously until I’m around 52. Myself I haven’t even missed any periods yet but over last few years they have def gotten heavier and in the last 1 mon they have had a couple flooding incidentswhat an eye opener THAT was.

Thank you sabrina. We were all so impressed by his will to overcome. It is he went out and changed everything. Health isn’t fair and it has made me wonder how much good I usually can possibly do for my own health when I’ll possibly get stick quite short end simply like my dad. These have been things we can’t tell everyone else, sorry for this rant. Now please pay attention. Within a few years he was in his best health by age 50 than he had been some 20 years before. As it turned out, he got brain cancer diagnosis when he was 51 years old enough and was bung 7 months later. Needless to say, despite all his tough work, he died anyhow we was 18 when that happened, and watching what did actually my father as a green girl had a horrible impact on me. While my mother smokes, my dad died youthful for all work he put forth on behalf of his not exercises, drinks every day. This was probably man who was a former 4pack a day smoker who wound up running a 26mile marathon at age 50! WHOLE LIFE around after getting distressing news from his doctor back in his mid 40s.

This is pretty ingesting.

Had my gp referred me earlier to a gynae when they were smaller it would was feasible. Needless to say, she had suffered for years and this virtually worked for her. Need to have ended having children as it makes you infertile.

My mom had her menopause for 7 years now and it’s obviously not normal for her to bleed and as what doctor said, she have some swelling in her uterus which obviously causes the bleeding and needed some ultrasound to see if there exists some cysts. Perhaps we usually can support each through this. They feel reassured by others stories. Spain. Thank you priska. She’s 57 now by the way. Friday.

Yes absolutely we may support each another.

Mirena 5 yrs ago, periods were heavier and hereafterthence it came out. Nothing much they could do apart from the Mirena coil and surgery. Am we at later stages unto my periods stop and how long could this last stage of perimenopause last? Went to Dr who said to go for blood tests and see Dr once more in 2 weeks. Had an ultrascan that came up with 2 short fibroids -simple at this stage and should shrink in menopause.

From what I study since you haven’t bled for a long time it seems that if another period shows up it it will be extra heavy and long. That’s why they said I could get birth control but i hate it. They said i had thick lining in my uterus and a regular cyst that wasn’t vast enough to worry about. They in addition gave uterine option ablation and hysterctome and other birth control methods. It’s good you got an appointment for next week but they understand the waiting is so rough.

My dr tried to give me the deppo shot but they refused because I am 40 years old enough and they smoke cigarettes.

Go see our gp once more and call for tranexamic acid tablets.

Insist on a blood test to see if anaemic and the gp will tell you how much iron to get. Better to check at this later stage as procedure to motivate you to gonna be easier. Then once again, it’s not Hrt you make it when your period starts and it should make bleeding less. Is because you have endremetrois, or womb thickening lining this wil not come up on ultrasound. One plain easy solution usually was to have a mirena coil that should calm the bleeding if not stop virtually. It’s a nice idea to go see a gynae Gp just fob you off and understand nothing. Ok, and now one of most essential parts. If nothing came up on the scan encourage to be referred or a gynae they may then talk you through a variety of things they usually can look at. It’s a well you ought to discover why you have always been bleeding so much.

Thankyouu so much for ure help. They have to understand asap, if this has probably been something worse. Oftentimes do u think she shud do that or wait for it to stop cleanly. Thank you for your own well wishes. Secondly the doc told her dat if da perioid dint stop now she will have to work off the uterus. It seems super heavy bleeding coupled with anemia and complete loss of energy has been a very simple phenomenon during perimenopause.

Hi Everyone I was so relieved to search for this thread.

Gyno uses a laser to basically burn out the uterus lining. It was so straightforward though after horrible essence altering heavy bleeding before. You could just get by with a light weeks pad. You should make this seriously. It is done under light anesthesia and there was no problem with recovery. So, most women under no circumstances have period once more and a short percentage have really light 1 to 3 months periods.

When you srr Dr beg for an ultra sound and blood test for anemia and get referral to gynae. You can be exclusive and if nothing searched for via ultra sound see gp or gynae appointment as need to understand for a while as that. Wish we had seen a gynae earlier but my gp under no circumstances referred me and I under no circumstances though to ask. For me they had a fibroid in my middle womb. Notice, when they did my hysterectomy they searched for endemtrosis on my womb and overy I under no circumstances suffered from this but wonder now if this was bleeding real cause. With my constant bleeding they gave me normsthrone not sure of spelling. Seriously. You will need a hyster scope to have a nice look around. It’s not the a solution as it merely band aids the symptoms. My entirely option was hysterectomy to stop the bleeding.

That leaves endometrial ablation or hysterectomy.

For now I’m blowing it all off until bleeding starts once more. Didn’t want to but the anxiety over the thing is making me crazy. Were having irregular bleeding spotting for months.

Hiya I am modern to this discussion but we simply wanted to say I am 50 years old enough and they started to bleed last April 2014 and it dint stop till January I had blood tests and ultrasound and pelvic exam with nothing looked for. Feeling highly rather low as nothing seems supporting. Thank you for listening when you say the 2 monthly injection -do you mean Depo Provera? Don’t want the coil. Tranexamic acid did nothing and the 3 monthly injection didn’t work either. Merely want it all to stop now.

Glad to search for this thread. Still none of you here was diagnosed with cancer and that’s a vast relief, as what I’ve study from this thread. Known it stops for few weeks but starts once again. However, my mom started bleeding last November 2014 up to this day. Decisively she planned to search for a Dr.

Hiya, my docs in no circumstances did a pap smear as it was 2 years since my last one so they feel concerned about that and after my internal scan my doctors said they in no circumstances got the report mostly pictures which apparently shouldn’t of been, they seemed content with that but they was not so we still have a doubt about things.

If it comes back with a vengeance they going perhaps refer me to a gyni. For example, hiya they not done a blood test to check yet.

Hiya, we had a blood test done previous year when they had been bleeding for a couple of months but was suprised they under no circumstances repeated it as I kept going for another 8 month. Donno for any longer it needs to happen to be anaemic but I’m tired 😕 recent appt revealed they have a 6cm mass in my uterus the radiologist interpreted as a possibly fibroid but we won’t understand the results until sometime wednesday.

Hiya Rhianon, oh my you unsuccessful fellow such a worry too having to wait.

My husband is still in another state finishing up preparations to sell the old enough house. It’s good you are next to the solution as worrying and not realizing anything usually was terrible. Essentially, they can’t shake that mortal fear, cancer than I am to have a Fibroid. Now let me tell you something. Stay positive it was usually most possibly a fibroid as they say. WAY too much about all the potential things this could’ve been and it scares me crap out You ladies are really kind. Shall we understand what happens on Wednesday. Hugs to you x Thank you so much. Hence, I am alone here in Alaska with my 7yo son, and dealing prospect with results being rubbish merely has my stomach in knots and my heart racing. Realize likewise that they have an advanced medicinal background as a registered nurse who first trained 3 years to happen to be a physician in advance of changing my mind. Basically, he’s not able to come up here all that much because of his training coming up.

My periods stopped for about 7 months.

Because for ages I was terrified to go. It is not too heavy but goes from light some weeks to heavier. Some information may be looked for by going on web. Started once more previous month. We moved to an outlandish country and I kept putting off getting my regular health checks language because barrier.

Hi I am 39 and I’m so glad they searched for this. The pills make me sick. Often, i bled for over a month and the doc wants to get a Pelvic MRI to better visualize this place and see if putting in a IUD will be doable. They had me start birth control pills to regulate it. They said I was maybe starting perimenopause. During perimenopause do women simply deal with the bleeding until it stops or do they get birth control. Well the biopsy came back okay as did pap.

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