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Irregular Bleeding During Period: Further Help Information

irregular bleeding during period More reliable estimates will only be obtained with the standardisation of the measurement of PPH so that the data from different regions are comparable. ABNORMAL UTERINE BLEEDING TREATMENT The treatment of abnormal bleeding is based upon the underlying cause. So it’s common.

If you.

That’s a fact, it’s difficult to measure blood loss accurately. Periods are considered heavy if they are affecting your life and causing problems. See your doctor if your periods change and become heavier than previously. See separate leaflet called Heavy Periods for more details. Now pay attention please. In most women, the cause is unclear and there’s no abnormality of the womb or hormones. Notice, lots of us know that there are various causes of heavy periods. Treatment is available which can reduce heavy periods. That’s where it starts getting really interesting, right? Sometimes conditions like endometriosis can make period pains become worse.

irregular bleeding during period Cause of the pain in most women ain’t fully understood. As a rule of a thumb, see a doctor if. There’re various causes of bleeding between periods. As a rule of a thumb, see a doctor, Therefore if you have vaginal bleeding at times apart from your expected periods. Therefore this usually settles over a few months. One common cause is called breakthrough bleeding, that is small bleeds that occur in the first few months after starting the contraceptive pill. That said, this includes if bleeding occurs after you have sex, or after the menopause. You have to see a doctor if your periods have not started in general by the age of 16. That’s where it starts getting serious. Irregular periods may indicate that you do not ovulate every month, and the balance of the female hormones can be upset.

Irregular periods are often common in the few years leading up to the menopause.

See a doctor if your periods become irregular in your younger years.

So interval between periods can vary in some women. First two days are usually the worst. See separate leaflet called Period Pain for more details. That’s where it starts getting interesting. Some women have more pain than others. Although, it’s common to experience an ache in your lower abdomen, back and ps of your legs, especially in the first few days of your period. With all that said… Painkillers or ‘anti inflammatory’ painkillers similar to ibuprofen usually ease the pain if So it’s troublesome.

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