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Long Periods: Explore Everyday Health

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long periods Loads of underlying problems can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, just like uterine fibroids, noncancerous tissues that grow in and around the uterine wall, explains Steven Goldstein, MD, obstetrician and gynecologist at the NY University Langone Medical Center and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York City University School of Medicine. Your doctor will need to rule out fibroids as a first step, Therefore if you’re dealing with menorrhagia. Being a woman is a boon, we have this God given gift to give birth and nuture a child in our womb for 9 months.

These 9 months are a roller coaster ride for any woman and right after the journey she bears the sweet fruit of giving birth to another life.

Mood swings are common and sometimes the spouse is at a loss of words and does not know how to handle things.

long periods By the way, the initial months are ugh as you have to go through morning sickness, nausea, fatigue, etcetera Even as you come to terms with this known as change your body is going through, you realise, you have these weird cravings for foods which you never liked earlier.

Many women will agree that the hormonal changes that take place within your body are sometimes inexplicable and can get the better of your mood.

Pregnancy isn’t an easy phase just as your first menses was not when you were going through puberty. It’s the time when you should take maximum care of yourself and your environment will be conducive to the growth of the baby. Finding a perfect obstetrician and gynaecologist is a must and trust someone who will take good care of you during these months and ensure a safe and smooth delivery.

long periods Walking around in your stilettoes is a strict ‘no’ from the very beginning and right now it’s best to move around in ‘flip flops’ or floaters.

Subsequent ultrasounds could be carried out in the later months to ensure that the baby is progressing well and that everything is fine with the growth and development.

By the end of the 5th month you will start feeling little tiny movements which will enhance as the months proceed. First trimester is usually an uncomfortable feeling for most women and coming to terms with all the changes that take place. For instance, a supportive and caring spouse is just an added bonus to steer you clear of all the low moments and see to it that you are always happy and contented. It’s the most ecstatic feeling and the happiness just reflects on the baby. By the way, the third and final trimester is again a little difficult as your size increases and it is now a tad bit difficult to move around. On p of that, getting a sonography done at this stage might be advised by your doctor and it should be a pleasure to see a little life form thriving in your womb. Notice that the second trimester is a period wherein you come across these strange desires of having weird food cravings and getting up at odd hours in the night for a snack. Needless to say, by the 4th or 5th month, you will notice your once ned tummy is now turning into a small and round bump.

Loads of women nowadays who usually go in for a home based delivery even go in for midwives and private nurses.

Going for long walks and a swim once in a while with the permission of your doctor will do you a world of good and keeping yourself busy in and around the house will also be beneficial to you and your baby.

Well it’s just the other way round and you not only have to have a carefully planned balanced diet but also do some moderate exercises to make it easier for your delivery. You can give in to your cravings whenever you seek for and look, there’re no diet restrictions during this time. Except maybe for a glass of redish wine once in a while, keep it moderate when it boils down to caffeinated and aerated drinks and beverages and alcohol is a complete no, as stated by recent research. It can’t be helped, I’d say in case stated otherwise by your doctor to take complete bed rest. DIET AND EXERCISEMany women think that pregnancy is a period wherein you can eat whatever you seek for and chill.

It’s best to follow up with your doctor and take care of these situations with proper medication, a lot of women end up with some problem or the other.

You don’t increase your chances of high blood pressure and there’re certain things that you’d better lay your hands off, there’s no fun if you’re could be stopped for everything that you consume. So more you take care of these things, the easier That’s a fact, it’s for you and your baby as putting on unwanted pounds is just preparing to affect you and the baby and make it difficult during your delivery. Then the time when you hold ur bundle of joy is just a feeling which is out of this world and can not be expressed in words. Then, the world is at your service if you are a first time mom and you should be inundated with all sorts of do’s and don’ts and it’s up to you to take in whatever is necessary.

That ultimately you are the mother and nobody can deny the fact that you are the one to take the final decision.

Take your pick and increase your knowledge to some awesome stuff from your advantage.

You can be rest assured that with all the love and care from everyone around you, its will be absolutely fine, when the ‘d day’ finally arrives you surely are should be a bundle of nerves but at really similar time. Keep a handy book to write in stuff that you might need to know and get it answered from your doctor or near and dear ones, there’re innumerable books available in the market pertaining to pregnancy, childcare and all related topics. Family is obviously incomplete without grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and all that stuff who will shower the new member with quite a few love and bless him/her. It’s for you to see and feel now the bond that exists between the mother and child and don’t forget the father at this time as he is also an important aspect in this process and his contribution to the upbringing and nuture of the child is of utmost importance. Hello, I’m Shweta Prashant, a stay in the premises mom and an avid reader.

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