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Menstruation Affects Half Of The Global Population: Menstruation

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menstruationMenstruation is a natural occurrence in nearly any woman’s life, and yet, That’s a fact, it’s shrouded in some feminine type mystery.

I’m used to it. Menstruation is part of who I am. Notice, girls are often taught from a young age that their cycle is their secret, not something to be openly discussed. Yet, To be honest I am freaking terrified of getting my period on my wedding day. At a few days away from being 30, I’m menstruating for over half my life. You should take this seriously. Women will spend about 3000 her life days menstruating, and yet almost none talking about it.

We all grew up absorbing messages through jokes, comments and feminine hygiene ads that suggest women’s vulvas and vaginas are dirty, smelly, ugly and taste bad usually with a reference to salty fish. I’d say in case they are lucky, and some fourth grade girls will start bleeding from a place in their body for which they either have no name, a family name or, a dictionary word, Many first grade children will finish the school year without dictionary words for their genitals. And so it’s high time that we debunk a bit of those myths to throughout the menstrual cycle.

Girls have limited understanding of how their bodies work, without access to accurate and essential health information. However, nobody has told them. Of course, why have we kept this information from young women? I want to ask you a question. Why do we tell them they can get pregnant any time of the month? Few know anything about what happens between periods. Not always why they bleed, they all know about the blood. Of course, with girls in Kenya missing an average of four days every month, menstruation is among the leading causes of absenteeism among adolescent girls. Notice that it doesn’t seem to work, if it’s to encourage young people to use protection when they have sex. Let me tell you something. While leading to feelings of fear, confusion, and shame, femme International’s study in Nairobi showed that 80 per cent of girls had no info what menstruation was before their first period.

Included in these guidelines is a specific requirement to ensure dignified access to hygiene related materials. Protecting young women from violence increases their odds of completing school, and pursuing a good and meaningful career! Actually, the international community needs to recognize that an empowered woman is the most effective catalyst for sustainable change, and it starts when they are teenagers. Adolescent girls are among the world’s most vulnerable populations, and face plenty of unique and very real challenges. On October 11, 2014, the world will celebrate International Day of the Girl Child.

Talking about sexual and reproductive health with students is always a little awkward, even in some awesome stuff from situations!

Having these discussions within a culture that often considers anything associated with reproductive health to be taboo can be particularly challenging and incredibly important. Judaism, Christianity and Islam view menstruation as a punishment from God. Just keep reading. In Western culture, the dominating monotheistic religions are a strong influence in alienating women from their own bodies by enforcing the belief that menstruating women are unclean and spiritually inferior. These topics are frequently rushed through, or skipped altogether, by uncomfortable teachers in underfunded, overcrowded schools, the national curriculum includes the topics of menstruation and reproductive health. In rural Tanzania, such topics are rarely discussed.

It’s not simply a bad mood or feeling ‘over emotional’ for a few hours, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is like PMS on steroids. So there’s one critical issue that is omitted from the SDGs the serious issue of addressing menstrual health and hygiene. It’s an ongoing pattern of severe premenstrual symptoms that interfere with your routine and relationships. A well-known fact that is. It’s a topic that all women and girls are intimately familiar with and yet it’s so rarely talked about on the global stage. Anyway, menstruation affects half of the global population.

Millions of girls globally will miss school every month because of their periods.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Highlighting the fact that the vagina is used for something except sex is a direct attack on our idyllic conceptions of a manicured feminine identity. So this becomes more than a class project, when Instagram repeatedly removes the photo of a sleeping girl with a period stain on her pajamas. We see blood every now and then. Certainly, the moment we gaze upon something that does not serve our sexual egos we are offended, we are content seeing sexualized bodies. It is we are outraged by the fact that one openly discusses bleeding from an area that we try to claim ownership over. Fact, blood is pervasive in movies, television, and video games. Since they don’t understand what really was happening to them, or being that they are taught that it means they are unclean and dirty, as long as they don’t have sanitary supplies. We are not outraged by blood.

to unleash the power of the adolescent girls is to create a world where girls are able to take advantage any opportunity to come her way. The freedom to attend school, it means to create a world where she not only has access to education. And the freedom to attend school, it means to create a world where she not only has access to education. To unleash the power of the adolescent girls is to create a world where girls are able to take advantage nearly any opportunity to come her way. Where she has reliable sources of nutrition rich food and clean water, and doesn’t have to risk sexual assault to collect it. Eventually, where she has reliable sources of nutrition rich food and clean water, and doesn’t have to risk sexual assault to collect it.

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