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My Period Is Late: And After Having A Sonogram It Was Determined That I Had A Benign Ovarian Cyst

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my period is late I’d say if you think you it seemed plausible as I am in my early forties.i pressed for a better explanation. My gynecologist first suggested that my cycle can be becoming irregular due to perimenopause. They did a blood test to see if pregnancy was the cause. Now look. After having a sonogram it was determined that I had a benign ovarian cyst. After that, the quest began to determine why my period was so delayed. My cycle is usually every 25 28 days. Therefore this cyst type can delay a period.

That said, this happened to me fairly recently.

On day 45 of my cycle I finally got a whopper of a period which lasted for about ten days.

my period is lateMy test was negative. Needless to say, get a home pregnancy test or visit your gynecologist. Usually, the first reason to rule out is pregnancy. Seriously. It’s difficult not to worry or panic when your cycle is out of whack. You should take it into account. If you are normally regular with your menstrual cycle and your period is late by a week or more thence this is the time to look for a cause. Therefore if pregnancy ain’t the explanation to a delay in getting your period thence you can ask your doctor to begin investigating other medical causes. So, the bottom line is that you know your body best.

You consider yourself regular as far as your period goes.

After that, one day it doesn’t come as scheduled.

You are not pregnant but you still don’t have your period. Certainly, you don’t worry very much the first couple of days but consequently as more time passes you wonder if you will be pregnant. That’s interesting. You buy one of those home pregnancy tests and it’s negative. You check the calendar to you should have the right dates. PCOS can cause irregular menstrual periods, infertility, obesity, and excessive hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen, or upper thighs. Normally, cullins says.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is more common than people think and yes, it definitely can make you miss your period. PCOS can also contribute to excessive oily skin and excessive acne, multiple cysts on the ovaries, velvety darkened skin called acanthosis nigricans, and insulin resistance.

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