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Periods In Women: When On Birth Control Women Have A Couple Of Options For Striving To Suppress Menstruation But No Method Is A Guarantee Of Having No Periods

periods in women What do we look for in a website?

Look, there’re extra fun points for the escapist sites we rely on to ain’t a real period in general.

It is not necessary.

There’s absolutely no medical need to have a period when you’re on contraception, she says. On p of the business side of health, look to Shots for the latest on research and medical treatments. Shots is the online channel for health stories from the NPR Science Desk. We report on news that can make a difference for your health and show how policy shapes our health choices.

periods in women Your hosts are Scott Hensley and Nancy Shute. You can reach the Shots team via our contact form. They can also take need to try to suppress their cycles. Of course, the Catholic church never came around to the pill. He thought the pope might accept the pill if it looked like women were having periods. Amidst the doctors who helped invent the pill was Catholic. Having a period does serve a purpose, she says. Then again, it tells you your reproductive system is working well and that you’re not pregnant.

periods in women She says women should think carefully before doing best in order to suppress their cycle. It was not a disease that needs to be treated away, she says. There’s no evidence that suppressing menstruation hurts future fertility, Hillard says, even if a woman hasn’t had a cycle in five to 10 years. Except for the hormonal shot after it’s discontinued, most women can get pregnant right after they stop using the contraception, or even a year. Considering the above said. More women in their 20s and 30s are choosing contraception that may suppress their menstrual cycles, says Dr. Now please pay attention. That need to have regular periods ain’t just in our society anymore. Now pay attention please. Elizabeth Micks, who runs a OB GYN clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle.

In my opinion views are changing really rapidly, Micks says.

a woman takes a hormone pill for 21 days to stop her cycle, with traditional birth control.

She can have what looks like a period, she takes a sugar pill for a week. None of these methods are a guarantee for getting rid of periods altogether. It’s not an on and off switch for menstruation, says Paula Hillard, a OB GYN at Stanford University Medical Center. It’s actually a historical thing, she says. I want to ask you something. Why have women been having all these fake periods for decades? Now let me tell you something. One study found the IUD and implant were nearly 20 times more effective at preventing pregnancies than birth control pills. I’m sure you heard about this. Two p medical organizations the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend these forms of contraception as the p choice for young women who need birth control.

Six your life years.

That’s about how long ain’t enough known about the longterm effects of menstruation suppression, especially with teenagers.

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