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Spotting After A Period Ends: You Could Even Conceive If You Have Sex During Your Period

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Whenever lasting up to a couple of days following ejaculation, the sperm can be very resilient.

With that said, this means that pregnancy is a definite possibility if either one of you has sperm on your hands or any other part of your body, and it comes in contact with your vagina. Your most fertile time gonna be at ovulation -happens when your ovaries release an egg -which normally takes place twelve to fourteen days before the start of the next period.

spotting after a period ends Your menstrual cycle will start on day one of your period and last up to day one of your next period, in the event you are not aware of this.

This period is called the fertile window, and it’s the time when you’re more going to conceive.

For a typical cycle that takes place any twenty eight to thirty days, with that said, this fertility window is normally between day eleven and twentyone. That’s a fact, it’s still possible for your ovaries to release an egg very quickly after your period ends, Therefore if you have a short cycle and long periods. You should take it into account.

You could be approaching your fertile window if your period last for five to seven days and you engage in sex immediately after. You should take it into account. With that said, this means you could get pregnant very soon after your period ends if you ovulate early, particularly if your menstrual cycle is naturally short.

It’s essential to point out that the sperm can survive inside the body sometimes for as much as seven days after a woman has sex. Now this egg can get fertilized as normal, and pregnancy occurs if and when that happens. You have to use contraception anytime when having sex, aside from the chances of becoming pregnant. Like genital warts. Or HIV/AIDs. Actually, at times, ovulation can occur within a few days after your period ends. You should be more fertile at certain times during your menstrual cycle, and so it is the period when you are going to conceive. Sperm could fertilize an egg three days or ‘seventy two’ hours after ejaculation. Look, there’s really no safe period of the month to engage in sexual activities without using contraception and avoid getting pregnant. You could even conceive if you have sex during your period. Those, you can get pregnant or conceive if your period has never come before, throughout your first period, or immediately after having sex for the first time.

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