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Therefore If It Doesn’T Feel Right Don’T Let The Doctor Blow You Off

bleeding and not period Something that I picked up on your post is that you first state that you started exercising within the past two weeks after not exercising in a long time, thence you state that you had a BRUTAL leg workout.

So if by your personal admission you are doing stuff that is brutal, that health is a journey. Consequently you’re undoing years of damage, your body bleeding can be a sign of stress.

Especially noting what cer5de posted, I’ve no idea if you’re doing can be putting little bit ofI’d say in case you had been working out thence I’d be concerned. That working out can muddle your hormone levels and confuse your body. Therefore there’s the male perspective. Seriously. Some men who say they’re open to the act aren’t actually ready to embrace it. It’s a well take the article Have Great Sex While She’s Menstruating, consequently quite a bit of you might feel different I’d say in case I know my TOM is coming I wear appropriate protection for my workouts for this reason. When i went to the doc she said it was very common and i shouldn’t worry about it, there is an age difference so i don’t know if this applies. Same thing happened to me a few years ago when i started a new workout routine.

bleeding and not period Directly afterwards, doesn’t seem that normal.

Perhaps lighten up your workouts and build up your workout length/difficulty more slowly.

Everyone is different, It may just be your body adjusting. Known you know what AlterNet brings you and millions of readers. The closest thing I’ve had happen is after I start working out regularly after not doing so for awhile, or when I’m losing weight, my periods will get lighter and I’ll spot between periods. That said, problem is -I’ve started spotting after my workouts. Yesterday -after a BRUTAL leg workout -I did more than merely spot. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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