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When To See A Doctor – What Really Is Implantation Bleeding ( Ways To Distinguish Period From Spotting)

after an egg is fertilized. It can cause some minor bleeding, when the egg burrows into the wall of the uterus. Some women will also experience some cramping as well. Of course, while bleeding caused by implantation could be either brownish or light pink in color, in most cases. So flow is very light and will only last a short timespan. Have you heard of something like that before? While spotting is either light brownish or pink in color, in most cases. Implantation spotting occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Also, spotting refers to the light bleeding that sometimes occurs in between periods or during pregnancy. Heavier spotting can be redish. Ok, and now one of the most important parts. While spotting might be a sign of a miscarriage, it can also occur during a healthy pregnancy.

What you’re experiencing is likely no cause for concern, if your spotting is caused by your period or implantation. So if you’re hoping for a pregnancy, what you’re experiencing may actually be implantation bleeding, an early sign of pregnancy, light bleeding or spotting can be frustrating and confusing. Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Some women will experience very light bleeding as the lining of the uterus sheds, when the egg attaches. Now pay attention please. For many women, menstruation starts off light and gets heavier over time. Bleeding caused by implantation is very light and will stay light. Primary difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation is the flow. That’s right! It needs time for the blood to move out of the body, that causes the blood to age and turn a brownish color.

It’s vital to note that women rarely experience redish blood with implantation.

Menstruation and implantation bleeding can both cause cramping and pain.

Menstrual cramps are generally more intense than cramps caused by implantation. On top of this, why does implantation cause cramping? They can pinch the nerve endings and cause pain that feels similar to menstrual cramps, when these contractions occur. Considering the above said. Did you know that the fertilized egg burrows and attaches itself to the uterine lining, that can cause the uterine muscles to contract. Certainly, spotting will come and go, with implantation bleeding. I want to ask you a question. Is the bleeding on and off, or consistent? Whenever bleeding from implantation will generally last for one to two days, some women may experience spotting for a longer or shorter timespan. Some women will experience cramping as the egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus.

You might be having a miscarriage, if you think you should be having an early miscarriage, as mentioned previously.

Seek medical attention stright away, if you are further along in your pregnancy. Some women may experience mild cramping during implantation but when those cramps persist or intensify over time, it’s essential to see a doctor. I’m sure you heard about this. Your period has likely started, if bleeding gets heavier and lasts more than a few days. Implantation bleeding is light in flow, pink or light brown in color and short in duration. Oh, and I cried in front of my boss the other day -for no reason! Light cramping on and off -it feels different than period cramps but that gonna be wishful thinking. It started 9 days before my expected period and 7 days after ovulation. FIVE days now. You have to test after your missed period.


There’s a chance I going to be pregnant.

It’s lasted for two days now. My period only lasted two days, that isn’t normal. It’s a well im having some brownish spotting going on now for 3days now and I took a pregnancy test yesterday and came back positive, thence I had my blood drawn today and my level was high 26 dot 5 is this still implantation bleeding or miscarriage. My feionce and I’ve been trying for a bit now and the pass 2 days when I wipe I get when u look in the toilet there is spots about the size of pin head and seem solid. Furthermore, could this just be the precurser to implantation or what.

My period due sometime this week. It does not hurt when I pee either.

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