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Why Does It Happen And How To Remove It – Vaginal Odor After Period – If You Are Affected By Vaginal Odor After Period So You Have Come To The Right Place

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It’s a good idea to know that most women have experiences with a foul smelling discharge after their menstrual cycle.

You could notice an odorless transparent or whitish discharge, smelly offwhite or white, creamy discharge, greenish ‘foul smelling’ discharge or a light brown smelly discharge.

Did you know that the discharges which occur after menstrual periods have no odor or a faint smell. I know that the cause might be linked to pathological diseases as well and call for urgent medical attention, in most cases, it’s caused by the remnants from a shedding endometrial lining. Normally, it’s possible that it’s caused by a yeast infection or thrush, So if you notice that you have a smelly white discharge after period and it smells. Keep reading. Candida albicans causes this infection and it happens whenever a hormonal change alters the natural bacteria inside the vagina. That said, this could indicate that you have gonorrhea, I’d say if your vaginal odor is caused by a yellowish greenish and frothy discharge after period.

You might be affected by bacterial vaginosis, if you have a creamy gray/off almost white discharge with a fishy smell after period.

This condition will require you to get checked out by a doctor to get the necessary treatment.

You could’ve a Chlamydia infection if the smelly discharge is accompanied by a burning sensation inside the vagina. Therefore, you have to visit your doctor as early as possible to find a cure. Of course So it’s highly likely that you have a disease called trichomoniasis, Therefore in case you have a slightly greenish discharge with a strong smell. That’s an amoebic infection that is potentially harmless. Another ways that you could’ve this smelly vaginal discharge is from a forgotten tampon. Some women forget to take out the tampon on the last day of their period and it festers during this time to cause a smelly discharge. So this might be really weird to see that but this happens to plenty of women. You going to be dealing with other complications if the discharge is occurring for one or more weeks after your menstrual period.

I know it’s now possible to find feminine washes on the market to get relief from this problem.

Brownish discharge after period, there’s the possibility that it’s caused by bacteria, in the event of a smelly.

Better approach is to get a checkup done at a gynecologist’s clinic for the doctor to find the underlying cause of the smelly discharge. Anyways, it’s best to consult your gynecologist or doctor before using any gel or cream internally, you might need ‘anti fungal’ vaginal creams if of vaginal thrush. For instance, advised that if of serious vaginal infections, you must consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment similar to antifungals or antibiotics, the products listed above do help.

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