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Your Doctor Will Make A Diagnosis After Performing A Series Of Tests: Prolonged Periods: A Cause For Concern

continuous light bleeding after period Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is another cause of prolonged menstruation. Length of an average menstrual cycle for an adult woman lasts anywhere between 21 and 35 days. These irregularities occur because of changes in hormone levels, especially estrogen. Actually, estrogen helps build up the uterine lining, called the endometrium, that will either house a fertilized egg or become quite a few what’s shed during a menstrual period. Then, doctors treat DUB with hormones. Besides being used as contraception, birth control pills can regulate hormone production and impact how the uterine lining grows. Prolonged menstrual bleeding, or menorrhagia, is defined as bleeding that goes beyond a week, Doctors consider normal menstrual bleeding a period that lasts from three to seven days.

You may hear your doctor use certain medical terms when referring to irregular or prolonged menstrual bleeding.

Menorrhagia describes a period that is very heavy or long lasting.

continuous light bleeding after periodPolymenorrhea refers to irregular bleeding for spans of 21 days or less. According to your age, your doctor may test your blood for pregnancy, hormone levels, and thyroid function. Just think for a moment. Actually the right course of treatment depends on the cause of your prolonged menstrual bleeding and your personal circumstances, similar to whether you look for to become pregnant in the future. Prolonged menstrual bleeding may just be part of a bothersome pattern for some women or a sign of a medical condition that will be addressed.

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